On this page you can search for a compatible unvaccinated blood donor, worldwide. For now, you will only find members of SafeBlood Donation, subdivided into Safeblood International (safeblood.net or safeblood.your country domain, e.g. safeblood.uk), for anywhere in the world except the United States, and SafeBlood USA (safeblood.com), for the United States only.
At a later stage, we will include members of other non-vax blood donation services if they wish to be listed here as well. When you click on a potential donor on the map, you will see the affiliation with that organisation.

If you are a member of SafeBlood, you find a refined and faster blood search map in your member area here, which also allows you to request a blood donor directly from this page, with a response time of only a few hours. Logically, only SafeBlood members are shown on this page as matching donors with a direct contact request. However, non-members can also use this search page; it offers slightly more options and allows, for example, searching by country, state or all blood groups simultaneously, while still displaying results from all participating associations.

Your Blood Type

Your Location

Displaying matches compatible with your blood type. Locations are approximate.